
Monday, August 8, 2011

The Tri Life

Ok, so not exactly the "tri" life. More like the "team tri" life. Yep, that's the life I live kids. GC and I completed another team triathlon this past weekend, I swam and GC conquered the bike and the run. Really, I think I got the easy part, for sure.

This was our longest tri yet, an olympic length (1.5km swim/40km bike/10km run). It's humbling to see so many outrageous athletes there to complete the WHOLE thing by themselves, but for my part, I have no interest in running 10km. The bike I could get behind, but the run, yeah, not interested. That said, I still love to compete, and to surround myself with some awesome, super motivated people. It's all about getting out there and staying healthy.

GC did a great job on the bike and the run. He really killed the bike, though it left his legs a little depleted for the run. Despite fatigue, he pushed through and completed the race, even saved me a smile as I hooted and hollered when he crossed the finish line.

The swim was a great experience. I learned I need to practice swimming straight. I tend to veer left (my right arm must be a beast). Open water swimming is completely different from laps in a pool, particularly when there are about 50 other people jumping in and swimming with you, like salmon in a run, frantic, and desperately trying to pull ahead.

Getting involved in these event has been a great motivator for staying fit and keeping healthy in the summer months. It's also something GC and I can do together, memories we can share.

I'm looking forward to all the events to come!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Thought #11

I won an antique rug! It was incredible. GC was forced (under my watchful eye) to bid! bid! bid! when they started the 30 second silent auction countdown. And, we won, for a song! I'll post pictures soon. I know this isn't everyone's dream, but if you only knew how it made my week!

In other news, it's been a flurry of friends, events, parties, sports and trips this summer leaving me little time to post. I'd apologize but I am having too much fun! All I can say, is I cannot wait until I find an email in my inbox stating that my lovely french teacher friend and her equally lovely husband have welcomed their first to the world. I am here, with bated breath, thinking of you everyday!